Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It’s a Funny Thing

“Humor helps.” John Cleese

This hasn’t been a funny week for me. While I was taking my 89-year old father to the doctor last week, a garbage truck demolished my car, which was parked innocently on the street. A few days later, we had to have my dad taken to the emergency room and he is still in the hospital with gall stones. Then I interviewed for a part-time contract position with a training company. It seemed like a perfect fit between my skills and interests and their needs, and it would have cured my current money woes. Unfortunately, they decided to go with someone who could work fulltime. Alas and alack.

Like Maya Angelou, I want “to thrive with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style,” but it isn’t always easy. When my own sense of humor gets buried under my sense of impending doom, I rely on others to, well, humor me. My current saving grace has been an audio book, No, I Don’t Want to Join a Book Club, by British author Virginia Ironside. The main character is an opinionated, contrary woman facing her 60th birthday. Her comments on beginning old age make me laugh out loud.

When the book ends, I may have to finally watch Napoleon Dynamite, which everyone assures me is screamingly funny. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

© Copyright 2007 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved


Maureen Thomson said...

Personally, I think anything George W Bush says is a riot....although in your current state you might end up crying.

I think you should check out kKryn Ruth White's website. Now, she can make ANYONE laugh!!!

Hang in there!

Maureen Thomson said...

oops! should have typed "Karen Ruth White"