Monday, August 03, 2009

What I did for Free

Free, Chris Anderson’s tome about an economy based on giving information away for free has generated quite a bit of buzz, mostly from people in the information business who don’t want it to be true. While you can pay the full $26.99 price for the hard cover edition, I chose to download the audio version for, well, free. The book is also available to read free online.

One of the most fascinating parts is a lists of 50 business models built on free. And one of the best arguments for the book’s premise is the failing newspaper industry. Why pay for one newspaper, when you can get all the news you want on the internet?

Since reading (listening to) the book, I’ve been paying attention to things that come my way without cost.

  1. Drinks (for seniors) with my weekly meal at Chick fil-A.
  2. Ebook, The Buccaneer Scholar by James Marcus Bach – a limited time free download.
  3. Books, movies, PDF and audio downloads from Denver Public Library.
  4. Websites, blogs, and podcasts.
  5. Instructional ebooks.
  6. Classified ads from Craigslist.
  7. Concerts in the park.
  8. Promotional tote bag from Target that doubles as a checkerboard.
  9. Coupon for a free meal with purchase from various restaurants.
  10. Complete TV shows online.
  11. Cell phone with purchase of time.
  12. Gifts—a fused glass peace sign pendant from my sister-in-law.
  13. One-year subscription to my favorite newsletter, Winning Ways as a thank you for being a long-time subscriber.
I think Anderson is on to something.

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