Thursday, December 14, 2006

Stop, Breathe, Listen

“It is better to have loafed and lost than never to have loafed at all.” James Thurber

My teaching marathon is almost over until after the holidays, which means I can settle into the Christmas frenzy. Work never seems to let up this time of year to give me a chance to sit back and enjoy the season.

I managed to fit an advent study class at church into my over-stuffed schedule. We talk about the need to rest, meditate, and wait. The whole time we’re there, my mind is racing through my mental to-do list. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the appropriate attitude.

Once I do get some time off, I have several writing, cleaning, organizing and reading projects to keep me busy. First, though I have to finish decorating the house and buying and wrapping gifts. I’m also scheduling several lunches with friends to catch up with each others’ lives and celebrate the birth of Christ. Sometimes it is hard to remember that He is the reason for the season.

©2006 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved

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