Monday, January 22, 2007

Discovering Fun

“All I want to do is have some fun. I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one.” Sheryl Crow is the best website I’ve run across in years. I learned about it at Barbara Sher’s message board for scanners. Scanners are people (like moi) who have too many interests to focus on just one. This website adds a tool to your browser. You enter a list of your interests, and when you click the button, it takes you to a website based on one of your interests. I just started using it over the weekend (our fifth weekend of snow and cold weather) and I’ve found sites of funny cat pictures, a site that recommends new books based on previous books I’ve liked and an online MP3 player. Very cool.

When I first started surfing the internet, I could spend hours exploring websites. Lately, though, I seem to go to the same old places day after day. StumbleUpon takes me back to the good old days when the internet was a source of constant wonder and entertainment. Great stuff.

©2007 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved

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