Friday, January 19, 2007

A Little Help from my Friends

1. Be discoverers. 2. Be ready helpers. 3. Be friend makers.

The Brownie "B's” (Girl Scouts)

I’ve been trying to get together with my friends Kathy and Jane for over a month, and the crappy weather or our weird schedules have kept us from meeting. Until yesterday. The sun was shining on the snow-covered mountains as I drove northwest to the Mimi’s Café at Flat Irons mall. I look forward to these meetings because they are always fun, the food is good and we swap information and ideas for our various businesses. Kathy is a trainer in conflict management and juggler; Jane is a software engineer and filmmaker; I’m a writer and teacher.

In addition to my buttermilk spice muffin, I got an idea from Jane for my next newspaper column. She was showing a short film last night at the Bug Theater Emerging Filmmakers Project and suggested that, since it is in my neighborhood, I could write about that. Great idea, Jane. I hope your viewing went well last night. Kathy was feeling overwhelmed by her book project and had realized that it would help to start at the end goal and work backwards. Jane and I told her about Barbara Sher’s backward planning flowchart from the book, Refuse to Choose. I made sure Jane knew about the new reality show, On the Lot, for filmmakers, created by Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg.

We left fortified by the friendship and inspiration and looking forward to our next time together.

©2007 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved

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