Friday, January 23, 2009

Preparing for a Second Career

During his 36-year career in the Denver television news business, Ernie Bjorkman saw the business change and grow through several technological shifts. Last year, with the merger of his station with another local news outlet, he saw his job disappear. Bjorkman advises other baby boomers, “Don’t be comfortable after 45.” Companies in all industries seem more eager than ever to trade in older employees for younger, cheaper workers.

Now 57, Bjorkman had planned ahead because he knew that the job wouldn’t last forever. He had always loved animals, but wasn’t interested in signing up for eight years of veterinary school. Instead, he enrolled in a two-year vet tech program at the Community College of Denver. By the time he was laid off of his news anchor job, he was finishing the training for his second career.

His annual salary will drop from $250,000 to about $30,000. "We'll start living the simple life again,” he says. He and his wife Susan will sell both their Denver condo and mountain home and plan to buy a small ranch in the San Luis Valley where he will open an emergency animal clinic.

Bjorkman feels blessed that he had the opportunity to meet the pope and presidents and ride in Air Force One. But he’s looking forward to the future. “You’ve got to have a plan.” You can watch his story as it was reported last week on ABC News 20/20.

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