Monday, November 27, 2006

The Holiday Siege Begins

“I have seen more artists damaged by unlimited time than limited time.” Julia Cameron Letters to a Young Artist

Every year, I get to the holiday season feeling rushed and overwhelmed with everything I have to do in a short period of time. I don’t know why it still surprises me. Today, the advent study class I signed up for at church begins and I start teaching a new class at the University tonight. I have three new classes starting in the next three weeks, one of which I have never taught before. My unfinished column is due at the newspaper, I need to get plastic on my windows before a winter storm hits tomorrow night, and I have to change the batteries in my smoke detectors.

I’ll work on the column for a couple of hours this morning, then walk to church and back to get my exercise in. Meanwhile, I try to make sure to write everything down. Knowing that I have a list eliminates the endless loop of reminders running through my head—at least that’s the theory. Somewhere in the mix, I need to decorate for Christmas, write my Christmas letter, address and mail cards, get together with friends, shop for (and wrap) gifts. Of course, there are also the usual activities of grading papers, preparing for class, attending meetings, writing here and on and on. I have to stop now because I’m starting to feel inundated again.

Breathe. Know that I will either get everything done or I won’t. Either way, I will emerge on the other side of the holidays, looking forward to my birthday in January and to spring of another year beyond. As Martha would say, it’s a good thing.

©2006 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved

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