Monday, December 04, 2006

A Vision for Your Future

"The best way to be ready for the future is to invent it." John Sculley

This is just too good not to pass on. I learned about it from Lee Silber’s newsletter. It’s about a new multimedia way to set your goals for the coming year. Check out the vision statement at: I’m going to give it a try. It is that time of year again, when I have to reassess 2006, write about it for my Christmas letter and look ahead to what I want to accomplish next year. Doing a vision statement slide show (I’ll use PowerPoint) will be a fun way to do it.

Over the weekend, I drove around in a lot of snow and ended up having breakfast by myself because my friend Barb couldn’t make it in the snowstorm. Normally, when I eat alone in a restaurant, I have a book to read, but Saturday I didn’t take a book because I expected to be with Barb. Luckily, I always have a notebook in my purse, so I used the time to make notes for a short story I want to write.

When I left, I stopped at OfficeMax to buy myself two items on my Christmas list: an external hard drive they had on sale and a PURPLE padfolio. After that, it was time to stop buying things for myself until after Christmas. I need to get serious about buying gifts for others and getting out my holiday decorations.

©2006 Dixie Darr. All rights reserved

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